Sunday, November 23, 2014


I often miss the holiday seasons of the 1970's. A group of friends would get together on Thanksgiving morning and play football or basketball for a few hours, then spend the afternoon with our respective families enjoying a nice holiday meal. It was a time when the spotlight of the day was on having quality time with others.
But these days, the focus has shifted to quantity instead of quality. It's all about eating as much as we can. Hours on end are exhausted planning an extravagant menu. Cooking and baking begins the day before. Appetizers that will make your arteries look like the I-405 on a Monday morning are on the table 4 hours before the main meal is scheduled to be served, so we have something to constantly munch on while we sit on the couch mindlessly watching the first of a half-dozen televised sporting events.
This tradition begins on the last Thursday of November and runs non-stop through New Year's Eve. It's become a 34-day party where millions of Americans give themselves permission to gain another 7-10 pounds.
But it is possible to enjoy the holidays without plumping up like a Butterball turkey. Here are 5 easy tips to help you maintain your body weight, and your sanity, during this jolly-filled time of year:
  1. Don't arrive hungry. Not eating all day so you have plenty of room to feed your face will cause your metabolism to slow and your body to hold on to fat. Instead, plan your meals so that you are not starving when sitting down for that feast. Eat a healthy breakfast, and then a small snack about 2 hours before the main event. 
  2. Bring something healthy. Not only will your hostess appreciate your thoughtfulness, but you will now have at least one nutrient-rich food to eat. And this dish doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming to make. Just see below for a simple, healthy alternative to calorie-laden mashed potatoes.
  3. Don't load your plate with some of everything. You'll be tempted to eat everything on your plate, and then go back for more (because everyone has to have seconds, right?). Instead, take smaller portions of 2-3 items at a time, and feel free to have more when your plate is empty.
  4. Eat only until you're 80% full. The turkey should be the only thing stuffed at the table. And unless your name is Frank Barone, leave the stretchy pants at home.
  5. Don't hang around the table/dining room /kitchen after eating. Go into a separate room where there is no food and enjoy the company of others. Have a meaningful conversation, play board games, or better yet, go for a walk. Just leave the boob-tube off.
There you have it...5 simple tips for making your holiday meals more enjoyable while you make your waistline less noticeable.
  • Coconut Cauliflower Mash: Place 3 cups of roughly-chopped cauliflower, 1/4 cup of crushed cashews, 1/4 cup of coconut milk, and a pinch each of salt, pepper, and cinnamon in a pot and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low, cover tightly, and simmer for about 15 minutes. Place mixture in a blender or food processor and puree until almost smooth, adding a tablespoon of water if mixture is too thick for the blender to get moving. This side dish serves 2 people, and has only 205 calories, 14g of carbs, 4.3g of fiber, 13.6g of fats, and 6.6g of protein. (Courtesy of Precision Nutrition)
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Move Better. Eat Better. Live Better!

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