Sunday, November 2, 2014


Give a man a fish and you'll give him the gift of better health for the day. The benefits of marine foods and their high content of Omega-3 fatty acids have been well-documented the past few decades, although its reputation has been unfoundedly tarnished lately due to one publication. But after some further reading, I've found that the contents of this "study", as well as the author's credibility, are highly questionable.
Let's look at why Omega-3s are ESSENTIAL for our body to thrive. When talking Omega-3s, we're looking at:
  • Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) which is derived from plant-based sources such as hemp, flax, and chia seeds, as well as walnuts
  • Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) which comes from fish and algae
  • Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) which also comes from fish and algae
These Omega-3s are classified as essential because our body cannot manufacture them. We must get them from food sources. Research has shown that DHA and EPA are the most beneficial for us. ALA can be converted to EPA by our body, but in such a small percentage that we would have to overeat these foods to see any significant benefits.
Further, our typical Western diet is generally high in Omega-6 fatty acids. These come from poultry and other factory-farmed meats, cereals and wheat, most vegetable and seed oils including corn and safflower oils, nuts and a dozen other foods. Studies show that just a few generations ago, the ratio of Omega-6s to Omega-3s we consumed was close to 1:1. With the "advances" in food processing and refinement, increases in genetically modified foods, and our overall poor dietary habits, that ratio is now closer to 16:1.We need to start tipping the scale back to how our great-grandparents ate.
The benefits of Omega-3s include:
  • a decreased danger of chronic diseases, including some forms of cancer
  • an increase in immune and nervous system functions, as well as improved brain development and cognitive performance
  • a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia
  • better cell membrane permeability
  • a reduced threat of sudden cardiac death
  • strong evidence of improving body composition and alleviating depression
Additionally, one study showed that taking 1 multi-vitamin and 1 fish oil capsule daily lowered the incidence of aggressive behaviors in elementary school-aged children and in prison inmates (I don't know if there's a connection between these two groups or not).
Unfortunately, much of the available whole-food fish supply today contains environmental pollutants. Added to that is the prevalence of farm-raised fish that also decreases the amounts of natural fatty acids they provide. As a result, A fish oil supplement should probably be taken every day, while we scale back our fish intake to occasionally. Fish oil supplements should contain at least 30% EPA and DHA, and a combined minimum of 330 milligrams of the two. Take 2-3 grams daily with meals. If you're a vegetarian or prefer algae oil, lower the dose to 1-2 grams / day.
Lastly, fish oil may not be suitable for everyone. Those people who are taking blood thinning medication, those who have an upcoming surgery, have an abnormal heart rhythm, or bleeding disorders should consult their physician prior to taking an Omega-3 supplement.
Teach a man to take a fish oil supplement every day and you will very likely improve the length and quality of his life!
Move Better. Eat Better. Live Better!

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