Saturday, December 20, 2014


Gingerbread houses. Watching It's A Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve. Eggnog. Kissing under the mistletoe. The holidays are a time of traditions. And as the calendar rapidly closes in on 2015, another tradition creeps into out minds...the New Year's Resolution. It's the time of the year to assess how well we did in keeping those promises we made to ourselves last January 1st, and to look forward to the lifestyle improvements we desire for the upcoming 12 months.

With an all-or-nothing mentality, more than half of the people in the U.S. vow to lose weight, stop smoking, spend more time with their family, and so on. Virtually every bad habit we presently have is fair game to be replaced by something better. I am always somewhat cautiously optimistic when people tell me of their desires to finally get in shape. My reserved nature is with good reason: almost 1 in every 4 people who made a New Year's resolution reverted back to their old habits within a week. And only slightly more than half of resolutionists were able to maintain their pledge until January 31st.
In fact, only about 9% of the people making a New Year's resolution see their goal through to completion. Why do so many people fall short in their attempts for self-improvement? I believe there are 3 key reasons:
1. Most people know the general outcome they want (to lose weight, for example), but they don't have a systematic plan in place to execute their goal. What do those successful 9% do? They learn the necessary steps that need to be followed from someone who has a proven track record of accomplishment. In other words, they seek the advice of experts--those people who have "been there, done that, and are still doing it!" If you truly want to improve yourself, find the most qualified professional you can. Just because your boyfriend's best friends' nephew likes to lift weights does not mean he is the best person to assess your abilities and build a plan to fit your unique lifestyle.
2. Not having a support system in place to help you when the going gets tough (and there will be tough times). Start by recognizing that your plan will not go as smoothly as you like. Life happens. Kids get sick. Your boss needs you to work late tonight. Friends plead with you to go out with them on Friday evening. Once you accept that you will occasionally miss a workout or have to alter your carefully-designed meal plan, you can have contingency plans in place to help keep you from straying too far off course.
3. Their reasons for achieving their objective are vague and not rooted in what's truly important to them. Knowing WHY your goal is meaningful to you is crucial to succeed. If your "why" gets you emotional, enough to move you to tears, your chances for success are increased exponentially. If you're exercising simply because your best friend wants a gym partner, you're heading for disappointment again.
Once you have addressed these 3 issues, TAKE ACTION! Don't wait for Monday or January 1st. Great achievers like Sir Richard Branson, Maria Shriver or Donald Trump strike when the time is right. And the time to start your next resolution, to make that phone call to a fitness coach, to seek a qualified nutritionist, to be in the top 9%, is today.
If you want to get a jump on your 2015 fat loss goal, sign up for our 8-week NEW YEAR, NEW YOU event. This is not the typical Eat-500-Calories-A-Day diet plan promoted by most gyms, infomercials, and diet books. For only $149, you'll receive a complete, safe experience that includes all of the following:
  • 16 sessions with a certified nutrition and fitness coach
  • a full medical, lifestyle and movement assessment
  • soft tissue work
  • core stabilization programming
  • sound resistance training to increase lean muscle
  • energetic cardio routines
  • a guarantee you'll lose 2 jean sizes or your money back!

To register for this event, or if you have any questions, call us today at 775.432.1356. Don't must sign up by January 25th as this event begins on February 2nd, and we only have room for 40 life-changing individuals.

Move Better. Eat Better. LIVE BETTER IN 2015!

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