Saturday, September 27, 2014


Getting out of shape is not something that occurs overnight. Nobody goes to bed, waking up 8 hours later having gained 40 pounds. Gaining weight to the point of being displeased, even disgusted with how you look and feel, and lacking the self-confidence and energy to do anything about it, takes months or years of poor lifestyle habits. It is when we are feeling this depressed and desperate that we fall prey to any and all get-fit-quick workouts and pills out there. Sadly, there is NO magic workout or infomercial diet when it comes to getting into shape.

When you reach the point that you are truly ready to change how you look and feel, it has to start within you. You have to pull up the reason from deep down inside--the reason that is so intense and personal that it makes your eyes tear up. For me, it was being fed up with getting picked on and laughed at for how I looked. Once you have your "why", you now have the real magic. Armed with your emotional why, you can make anything happen.

Next, you must take action. And you must do it NOW, while you are fired up. For many people, this means joining a gym. And frequently the determining factor is price. For just $19 a month, you get access to 10,000 square feet of equipment. Plus you get everything else that comes with it: little, if any, professional assistance, screaming meatheads dropping 300 pound barbells, and figure-it-out-for-yourself exercises on machines that were probably invented before you were born. Take a look at the design of those machines--95% of them have you sitting or lying down, which is probably what got you out-of-shape in the first place!

Your intentions are good. You're at the gym. You have a plan: forty-five minutes a day, four times a week on the treadmill. And although you may feel better for a week or two, rarely will you see changes that last. And so the frustration creeps in...again. You're looking at yourself in the mirror ready to throw in the towel. Don't do it!!

Do whatever it takes to keep moving forward. Getting back in shape, just like getting out of it, takes months and years. There are going to be difficult days, lots of them, especially in the beginning. But you don't have to do it alone. I had someone guide me early on. I owe a lot to Ron C. His pushing me in the gym allowed me to succeed in all areas of my life...physically, mentally, emotionally and even financially. Fitness literally changed my life.

If you are serious about finally wanting to change your body and your life, get professional guidance. Don't walk on the treadmill. Walk out your door and find a fitness center, a community of like-minded people who are doing what you want to do. Find a place with highly credentialed fitness professionals who are dedicating their lives and careers to continually learning how to help you, not just someone who adjusts your seat height and puts the pin into the weight stack.

There are no magical workouts or pills. But there is a place dedicated to make you look, feel, and move so much better, it will seem like magic.

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