Ok, here we are at our final topic in our Truth About Fat Loss series. Let's first recap what we've covered so far.
Set realistic goals. You must know where you are and where, specifically, you want to end up. Have a strong "why" that is deeply and personally meaningful to you.
Understand that your metabolism affects your body composition. Your resting metabolic rate is the minimum number of calories you need to maintain vital functions while at rest. Movement requires additional energy.
Clean eating is 80% of your fat loss solution. Eat lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats. Limit starchy carbohydrates and processed foods that are calorie-dense rather than nutrient dense.
Conditioning for fat loss consists of shorter bouts of higher intensity exercise using little more than your bodyweight for maximum results.
Elasticity and flexibility keep your muscles moving through their optimum ranges of motion. Start with soft tissue work, then do some static stretching.
Strength training is the cornerstone of your workout routine. Do several sets of compound exercises (NOT on machines) with a resistance that is challenging, to create that metabolic disturbance.
Sleep and recovery. Just because we're discussing this last does not undermine its importance. When working out, we are creating a stimulus for muscle growth by breaking down muscle tissue and placing our body under stress. This new growth only occurs if we properly recover between exercise sessions. Do some activities that are relaxing and re-energizing. These can include additional foam rolling to untie any post-workout trigger points, or yoga to help improve breathing patterns. Quiet meditation, Pilates, and tai chi can enhance total-body oxygenation. Recovery can also be very simple: soaking in a hot bath, enjoying a little aromatherapy, or drinking warm tea and reading a book. Aim for 30 minutes daily.
Your nutrition also plays a role in your recovery. After an intense training session, your body needs some easily digestible protein and simple carbohydrates to feed the muscle tissue and elevate your energy levels. Your post-workout nutrition should ideally be in the form of a shake or smoothie for faster usability, and drank within 15-30 minutes after your session.
Finally there's sleep. Studies have shown that people who typically get fewer than 6 hours of sleep each night gain almost twice as much weight as those who get 7-8 hours. As with exercise, more is not always better. Research has also shown that people who consistently sleep more than 9 hours nightly have similar fat levels as those who sleep too few hours.
There you have it--7 keys for torching body fat. Throughout this series, I've received comments from readers saying they like what we're teaching them, but still don't feel comfortable implementing these strategies on their own.
I've also had people tell me, "I know you're thinking specifically of me when you're writing these articles, aren't you? The truth is: NO. But if you're thinking, even somewhat jokingly, that these articles are directed at you, maybe you realize you are not where you should be in regards to your health and fitness. Maybe you're fed up with how you look, how you feel, and how you move. If you're not taking action with this knowledge, you don't have a fat-loss goal, you have a dream. Successful people, people of significance, have goals they act on. NOW is YOUR time to act!
Starting the week of September 29th, we are offering 20 people the opportunity to put these principles into action. Members of this 8-week program will meet twice weekly at Success Health & Fitness. Each one will receive a customized exercise and nutrition plan designed specifically for him/her that will include everything we've covered in the Truth About Fat Loss series. The timing for this program is purposeful--it will end a week before Thanksgiving. Our goal is to ensure each participant torches at least 13 pounds of body fat. Picture yourself turning heads and getting compliments on the "new you" at all those parties you'll be attending. And while others are dreaming of their 2015 weight loss resolutions, you can smile knowing you're already there.
So I've done my own research and found that some places running their own weight loss programs charge over $700 for 16 training sessions. Going to a big-box gym? Expect to pay over $1100 for 15 sessions. And most places do not include any qualified nutritional guidance. But YOU get the COMPLETE program:
- Goal setting
- Nutrition
- Soft tissue and flexibility work
- Strength training
- Conditioning
- Recovery strategies
- Professional coaching
So there you have it. No more excuses. To get started, just give us a call at 775.432.1356, or shoot us an email at info@shfreno.com telling us you're ready to look, feel, and move better than you have in years. And feel free to ask a friend to sign up with you. Everything is more fun when you're doing it with someone you care about. Registration for this life-changing program ends at midnight on Saturday, September 20th. ACT SOON as we expect this program to quickly sell out.
Move Better. Eat Better. Live Better!
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